Making good men better!

Our Masonic experience at Junction suggests that effective leadership has less to do with inherent personal qualities than with a major commitment to action. Charisma can help, of course, but it is commitment-visible commitment- to action that matters. First, you make a commitment to join Junction, once initiated you begin a lifelong journey of education to emulate and promote the virtues, character and vision of the Man and the Mason.

Our leadership team at Junction is committed to action guided by sound, proven Masonic principles, Morals and Dogma. Collectively they represent over 270 years of Masonic leadership experience.

At Junction and in Masonry, shared leadership exists at all levels of the lodge. There is room for everyone to take a leadership role even though they may be new and/or may not currently hold an office. This is Junction Lodge NO. 48 A.F. & A.M. There is room for your Leadership right now!