What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is a post collegiate male fraternity dedicated to the spiritual development of the initiate into a broader sense of the self, and the initiates as he relates to the divine and their relative place in the world. It conveys this message through a series of progressive degrees initiating the candidate into a deeper level of membership. Ultimately, the raised Master Mason is given the metaphorical tools to further work on and develop their Masonic intuition.
How old is Freemasonry?
The history of modern freemasonry is fairly understood, but once you get beyond the 1700’s things get lost to the sands of time.
What are the requirements to join?
To become a Mason you must firstly believe in a Deity of your choosing, meaning no atheist can be made a Mason. After this requirement you must be a man, freeborn, of good report and come well recommended.
How long does it take to join?
This will very greatly from individual to individual. Generally speaking it will take 6 - 12 months to become a Master Mason. Though, you will be admitted to attending meetings much sooner than this.
How much does it cost?
There are some costs associated with joining a lodge. At the time your petition is submitted a check of $125 is necessary to cover the cost of ritual materials. Annual dues at Junction Lodge #48 are $65.
Are there family activities?
Yes! Junction Lodge hosts several events and dinners where we invite the whole family!
Are their any subjects not discussed in a lodge?
The two cardinal rules not to talk about in lodge are religion and politics, as Freemasonry is concerned specifically with neither.